Sunday, 18 November 2012

Digital work, wax work, mono prints and my studio space

Digital Work mixed with stencilled road signs

I made some digital replicas, using photoshop ,of the road signs being obliterated with kitchen utensils to accompany the actual road signs. In this posting I've mixed up images of the actual stencilled road signs and the digital images.

saucepans on 100km per hr road sign

Spoon Junction
saucepans stencilled onto parking road sign

Digital image of spoons on yield road sign

Digital image of tea cups on yield sign

Spoon Roundabout

stencilled yellow tea cups on arrow road sign

Wax pieces

Continuing along the same concept of the conflict between my permanent sense of space- my kitchen  and my transient sense of space I made some 3D work out of wax. I made some casts of road signs made out of kitchen utensils-spoons.

 Plastic casts and wax spoon T-junctions and arrows
Plastic cast mould of spoon T-Junction

blue wax spoon T-junction

black wax teaspoon arrow

blue wax spoon T-Junction

yellow wax spoon T-Junction in plastic cast

yellow wax spoon T-Junction

yellow wax spoon T-Junction

blue wax spoon T- junction in orange plastic cast

My studio space at the moment

Mono prints of kitchen utensils- sugar bowl and spoons in the colour palette of the road signs-vivid yellow and black

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