Sunday, 23 September 2012

My Sense of Space- Week 1 & 2

My Sense of Space
Studio Work : Week 1 & 2

I 'm basing my project on how my sense of my own space has become more tactile this year. Because of anaemia I was lacking in iron so I found I was craving to touch sand, gravel, clay and stone because of the mineral iron present in the materials. I had taken lots of photographs of all of these materials in my local environment as I travel from Tipperary to Limerick to Galway. I collected sand and gravel. I wanted to represent this 3D material as 2D. So I placed some sand and gravel on clear plastic trays and put the trays on top of the photocopier. I moved the sand/gravel around as I would to experience that sense of touch. I photocopied the results and then photocopied them again onto acetate.

moving sand photocopied

moving sand photocopied

moving sand photocopied


moving sand photocopied

moving sand photocopied and colour added with  graphite crayons

moving sand photocopied

moving sand photocopied

moving sand photocopied

moving sand photocopied

moving sand photocopied

My studio space Week 1 & 2

My studio space Week 1 & 2

My studio space Week 1 & 2

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