Sunday, 6 January 2013

Ceramic plates, bowls and saucers

I made a series of ceramic plates, bowls and saucers. I marked the clay with various road markings- tyre marks, arrows and on the saucers I carved out an actual road journey. I was trying to put the journey onto the symbol of permanence in my life - the kitchen utensils-symbolising the permanent sense of space- trying to make the permanent transient.

plates with tyre marks before first biscuit firing

Saucers marking the journey

Saucers marking the journey and saucers 

pinch pots

road sign bowl

I smoothed out the inside of the pinch pot bowls with a tea spoon

Close up of road sign bowl

Road sign bowls before they were bisc fired for the first time.

T-Junction bowl

The finished ceramic pieces biscuit fired, painted with ceramic ink, a translucent glaze and another firing.
Kitchen utensils, emblazoned with road markings on a journey!

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