Sunday, 6 January 2013

Project Brief- My Sense of Space

Permanent Sense of Space V's Transient Sense of Space

Video installations based on the concept of ' My Sense of Space'.

Chair on a journey 

Salt cellar on a journey


Collage, texture, colour and mono print

I printed off about 500 photographs of the transient journey that I had taken since September. I had so many i had to organise them so I decided to organise them according to colour. I was trying to put them all together in my conceptual notebook which proved quite awkward so I started cutting the photographs up to make them fit together better because I had so many. When I started cutting and pasting I started to lose the run of myself!

grey collage- cobblestones in Portugal and Galway 

Blue & green collage- azule tiles in Portugal, galvanise, container trucks, brambles, my Granny's door in Turraheen

Red college- doors in portugal and Dublin, rusty gates & old farm machinery in Turraheen

yellow and black collage- road markings and road signs

  I wanted to focus in on some of the images in the collage to make monoprints of so I made a cardboard viewfinder and looked at some of the combinations of images. I decided on the following image . . .

Monoprints based on this image


4 monoprints & acrylic paint

Ceramic plates, bowls and saucers

I made a series of ceramic plates, bowls and saucers. I marked the clay with various road markings- tyre marks, arrows and on the saucers I carved out an actual road journey. I was trying to put the journey onto the symbol of permanence in my life - the kitchen utensils-symbolising the permanent sense of space- trying to make the permanent transient.

plates with tyre marks before first biscuit firing

Saucers marking the journey

Saucers marking the journey and saucers 

pinch pots

road sign bowl

I smoothed out the inside of the pinch pot bowls with a tea spoon

Close up of road sign bowl

Road sign bowls before they were bisc fired for the first time.

T-Junction bowl

The finished ceramic pieces biscuit fired, painted with ceramic ink, a translucent glaze and another firing.
Kitchen utensils, emblazoned with road markings on a journey!